- Graduate Summer School in Science and Engineering: “Linear and Nonlinear Evolution Equations”, 06-31 July 2011, Koç University, Istanbul– TURKEY.
- Session Chair:
- Caucasian Mathematics Conference (CMCI), 5-6 September 2014, Tbilisi, GEORGIA.
- 3rd International E-Conference on Mathematical Advances and its Applications (ICOMAA2020), June, 24-27, 2020, Istanbul / Turkey
29. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 28-31 Ağustos 2016, Mersin Üniversitesi, Mersin.
- Projeler:
- Doğrusal olmayan evolüsyon denklemlerin çözümlerinin azalması ve patlaması (DÜAPK 12-FF-150) (Projede Araştırmacı).
- Doğrusal Olmayan Timoshenko Denkleminin Çözümlerinin Matematiksel Davranışı (ZGEF.16.007) (Projede Yürütücü).
Viskoelastik Dalga Denklem Sisteminin Çözümlerinin Üstel Büyümesi (ZGEF.17.009) (Proje Yürütücüsü).
- Damping Terimli Timoshenko Denkleminin Çözümlerinin Patlaması (ZGEF.18.002) (Proje Yürütücüsü).
- Hakemlikler:
- Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A (SCI)
- Boundary Value Problems (SCI)
- Applicable Analysis (SCI)
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (SCI)
- Applied Mathematics and Physics
- Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
- Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (SCI)
- Computers and Mathematics with Applications (SCI)
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics (SCI)
- Mathematische Nachrichten (SCI)
- Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (SCI)
- Analysis (SCI)
- Applied Mathematics and Optimization (SCI)
- Analysis and Mathematical Physics (SCI)
- Quaestiones Mathematicae (SCI)
- Journal of Inequalities and Applications (SCI)